Book-A-Day Books

Thank you for your patience as I develop this page and find some book suggestions for you.  In the meantime, see my post about our classroom Book-A-Day Board here.  I love picture book suggestions so add your suggestions to the comment section below!

I began the year with a commitment to read one picture book a day with my class.  The goal was to make sure that each book I read connected in some way to what we were doing in class at the time.  To be honest I didn't really know exactly how it would work, but I did know I wanted to do it, and I recognized the value that doing short lessons with picture books had.  We use the books as a way to practice the skills of good readers (practicing follows the general gradual release method of I do-we do-you do), but our Book-A-Day morphed unexpectedly (to me at least) into something else.  The books became models for our writing.  For example, reading "The Day The Crayons Quit" and "The Day the Crayons Came Home" by Drew Daywalt were perfect for teaching students how to write letters.  Books like "What if You Had Animal Teeth" and "What if You Had Animal Feet" by Sandra Markle were models for our expository writing.

We keep track of the books we read on a bulletin board in class.  The board does take up a lot of space, but is worth it as the students refer to it frequently when recalling or making book connections.  It's not just visually interesting, it's useful.

I will be including a list of books on this page very soon, and hope that you will share your suggestions for books with me in the comment section.  Happy reading!

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