Monday, 22 June 2015

Field Trips

Today was a great day!  Our Grade 4 class piggy-backed with the Grade 3 class and we went to a petting zoo for our field trip. It was great, and the kids could pick up and pet loads of animals. They had so much fun. They even had a chance to hold a snake around their necks if they wanted!  I got some great pictures. One of my students was cuddling on a goat while another goat was nibbling on her shirt. She was so oblivious-it was priceless. 
Recently at a staff meeting we found out the budget we had this year for field trips would not exist next year. There are lots of ways to raise funds for field trips, but unfortunately for some families there isn't a penny to spare. 
As far as I'm concerned, hands-on, experiential learning is best. When students can see, touch, hear, smell, maybe even taste, they are not only more interested, they retain information better.  But on those occasions when a field trip isn't a possibility, there are field trips of the virtual variety. 
Museums, factories, companies; there are more options for virtual tours than you might think. Many are interactive, and sometimes, there are even guided tours. They are worth taking a look at, and even if you can't get a hands on experience during your "trip" you might be able to supplement lessons befor or after with other sensory experiences. 
Below are some links for you to look through to see what's available for you if a virtual field trip is something you're interested in. 

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